Escucho música en mi cuerpo
a través del ojo ciego
de mi sueño polvoriento
Así derrito, como la nieve,
los huecos del miedo
para no ver mi ego fracturado.
Intento escribir mis versos
en los espacios oscuros, vacíos,
hundidos en mi conciencia.
La niebla cubre mis párpados
dejando a la deriva las palabras
Los ritmos y sonidos se curvan
cual espada al atravesar el fuego.
Se quiebran como el cristal
debajo de los pensamientos velados.
El poema va cambiando sus acentos
en las hileras de horas abandonadas
esperando ser rescatado
cuando el corazón
no duela al latir.


58 comentarios sobre “ESCUCHO MUSICA EN MI CUERPO

  1. Se ha constatado que el vínculo existente entre la música y nuestro sistema motor se inicia durante la gestación; y también que ese vínculo está arraigado en nuestro cerebro. Ahora, un estudio realizado por científicos noruegos señala, además, que nuestra mente tiene grabadas profundamente imágenes de movimientos corporales relacionados con la producción de sonido; unas imágenes que tendemos a recrear cuando escuchamos música.

    Ennio Morricone – The Mission from Ann Kim on Vimeo.

    Le gusta a 3 personas

    22h ago
    I listen to music in my body
    through the blind eye
    from my dusty dream
    So melted, like snow,
    the holes of fear
    so as not to see my fractured ego.
    I try to write my verses
    in dark, empty spaces,
    sunk in my conscience.
    Fog covers my eyelids
    Leaving the words adrift
    The rhythms and sounds curve
    like a sword when crossing the fire.
    They break like glass
    under the veiled thoughts.
    The poem changes its accents
    in the rows of abandoned hours
    waiting to be rescued
    when the heart
    It does not hurt when it beats. I loved it!!!

    Le gusta a 3 personas

  3. Sento la musica nel mio corpo
    attraverso l’occhio cieco
    del mio sogno polveroso.
    Così mi sciolgo, come la neve,
    le cavità della paura
    per non vedere il mio ego fratturato.
    Provo a scrivere i miei versi
    negli spazi bui e vuoti,
    affondato nella mia coscienza.
    La nebbia copre le mie palpebre,
    lasciando le parole alla deriva:
    i ritmi e i suoni si incurvano come una
    spada quando attraversano il fuoco.
    Si rompono come vetro
    sotto i pensieri velati.
    Il poema cambia i suoi accenti
    nelle file di ore abbandonate che
    aspettano di essere salvati
    quando il cuore
    non fa male quando batte.

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  4. Que el corazón no duela al latir. Mejor que cante versos y al ritmo de música se vuele e impregne al mundo de sentimiento y emociones.

    Me gusta mucho Manuel.
    Un gusto enorme leerte.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. Oh thank you so much🙏… I wanted to ask you but didn’t want to give you any troubles. I do have a translation at my end… But its always nicer to have the writers original thoughts… Thanks again. Look forward to your writings…

        Le gusta a 1 persona

      2. That’s how it would be in English.

        I listen to music in my body
        through the blind eye
        from my dusty dream
        So melted, like snow,
        the holes of fear
        so as not to see my fractured ego.
        I try to write my verses
        in dark, empty spaces,
        sunk in my conscience.
        Fog covers my eyelids
        Leaving the words adrift
        The rhythms and sounds curve
        like a sword when crossing the fire.
        They break like glass
        under the veiled thoughts.
        The poem changes its accents
        in the rows of abandoned hours
        waiting to be rescued
        when the heart

        Le gusta a 1 persona

  5. Wowww!!! I’m not as good as you in expressing… I could feel every feeling your words say and don’t know what’s the best way to say it. You’re such an amazing thoughtful person. I’m so glad I’v connected with you🙏. Early in the morning you got a smile not just on my face but even to my heart…thank you for making my day☺️

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Unintentionally, space has that virtue of letting the thoughts that combine with one another meet. I confess that when I found your blog, just look at the photo and in the depths of my silence and I connected with you. Your face followed me and with all due respect, I felt happy to appreciate the beauty of a woman. Then I was attracted to the way you write. Now we will let the breath of the wind open to the road and do not disappoint you with my verses.

      Me gusta

      1. You say it all so effortlessly and beautifully…right now I’m only grinning and whatever little flair for words I had… I think it’s also gone in that grin… Thank you for appreciating me and my small piece of works🙏
        Yes, I’ll look forward to your verses and with the way you are… Don’t think they could disappoint any!

        Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. Nope! Are you saying this listening to the little piece of chant I’v attached in my recent blog? It’s not professional singing… I just chant for personal practice and while being with my students… 🙂

        Me gusta

      2. I heard all your songs, Lag Ja Galle, Chitta Kukkad, Hamen Tumse Pyar Kitna, Aey Kash Ke Hum. They seemed beautiful to me because your voice is a delight for the ears. In the fashion show you look great with that gorgeous evening dress that enhances your beauty. It cost me to place you at the dance with the singers. So I discovered that you are a singer, model, dancer and writer. What I promise you is to learn the language to make you a song. Here, in Venezuela, it is 12.45 at night but I will continue to listen to your voice.
        Thanks for the clarification of the instrument.

        Le gusta a 1 persona

      3. The night is young This is my song.
        You accompany me with the moon
        without trees on the road
        The sadness went aside
        when I took your hands
        and the cold was dressed in flowers
        I close my eyes to continue dreaming With the waters of the imagination
        let me sing you a song
        Your wonderful face
        It’s a watercolor with mint flavor
        An open book
        to fill inspiration sheets
        Your look burns the sky
        and the stars are shaking
        There is no distance that can separate us
        if your lips
        they talk about love
        My last verse
        travel with the carrier pigeon
        If it reaches your hands
        write what you feel
        with the lyrics of my song.

        Le gusta a 1 persona

  6. im so humbled…much gratitude 🙏 … the song is so beautiful. I take days to freeze a writeup that is in plain english of less than 500 words… and you have the talent to write a song- this expressive and intense… It probably didn’t even take you an hour! What to say… You’re so gifted, full of positive energy… Thank you again☺️ 😊

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  7. Qué jamás se quiebre ese maravilloso corazón, lleno de dulces sentimientos que sabes plasmar con el firme pulso y la tintatintas tus versos.
    Querido amigo, me sorprendo cada día en tu espacio, con tus palabras, tus versos…
    Poesía preguntó quién era…
    Yo respondo como él:
    Poesía eres tú. ⚘😘

    Le gusta a 1 persona

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