Sólo un hasta luego

Debido a las actividades que tengo que llevar a cabo, y en vista que se me han otorgados los permisos, necesito hacer un alto en el blog por un tiempo. La buena noticia es que hay una mejoría en la crisis y el gobierno ha anunciado que pronto van a flexibilizar la cuarentena.
Les agradezco su amabilidad por los comentarios y la lectura de mis poemas. Fue maravilloso compartir con todos ustedes.
Les deseo lo mejor y sobre todo, cuídense. La salud es lo primero.
Un fuerte abrazo y hasta pronto.
Manuel Angel Calderón M.

Due to the activities that I have to carry out, and given that the permissions have been granted, I need to stop on the blog for a while. The good news is that there is a improvement in the crisis and the government
has announced that they will soon relax the quarantine.
I thank you for your kindness for the comments and the reading of my poems. It was wonderful to share with all of you.
I wish you the best and above all be careful. Health is first.
Big hug and see you soon.
Manuel Angel Calderón M.

205 comentarios sobre “Sólo un hasta luego

    1. Muchas gracias Roser. También voy a extrañar «Tus pensamientos Inquietos» y tu sonrisa que siempre cautiva. Para mi ha sido un gran placer leerte continuamente porque tus artículos son de lo más interesantes y con gran contenido que hace que uno se detenga a leer con mucha atención. Agradezco tus deseos y también recibe mi abrazo con mucho cariño.

      Le gusta a 2 personas

    1. Thank you very much. I also like to be on your blog. You have some very interesting articles and full of much information to expand our knowledge.
      I appreciate your comment.
      My greetings, my respects and my admiration. You are an extraordinary journalist and an excellent writer.

      Le gusta a 2 personas

      1. Gracias Manuel, por tomarte el tiempo para responder,escribes bellamente. Seguiré leyendo lo que ya escribiste, esperando pronto lo hagas.
        Muchas gracias por tus palabras, un honor que me leas.
        Otro abrazo con cariño
        Los mejore deseos para ti.
        Dios te bendiga
        Hasta pronto

        Le gusta a 2 personas

  1. Manuel, I always enjoy reading your poems. They show your creativity, empathy and sensitivity.
    Your words are always full of feeling and intimacy. They bring shine and brightness into the day.
    I wish you health and good luck every day.
    Greetings from the beautiful Rhine-Highlands / Germany …
    Rosie 🌺

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    1. When one falls in love with love, time has no scales.
      The verses are filled with the miracle of life.
      Sadness is receding and I try to make my poems a window open to the feelings that come from the depths of the heart.
      Thank you Rosie for your words. I am pleased with your appreciation. You are a special person for me and my inspiration.
      A big hug

      Manuel Angel

      Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Hi Dee. All went well. It is a great peace of mind to arrange the papers of the permanence visa in Chile.
      I am already preparing more writings. Apparently, you are fine. Take care of yourself and thank you very much for your concern. You are a very special friend to me.
      Good week.

      Me gusta

      1. Only that remains: take care of yourself. I have read that it recently arrived to you and it was to be expected that the spread of it, as it has happened to all other countries. Much encouragement. A strong hug of solidarity.
        Manuel Angel

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      2. Very sorry for late responding. This pandemic sometimes drives me crazy. I am trying my best to keep up tight. Hope all your government official related work process would be in good speed. Settling down permanently is the biggest peace of mind. Take care of yourself very well.

        Le gusta a 2 personas

    1. My dear friend has already concluded my procedures for my visa. Everything was in order.
      I’m catching up to start writing again. I’m a little rusty.
      It is a great pleasure for me to greet you and read you again. You have a high quality blog.

      Me gusta

  2. Extrañaré mucho tus cálidas palabras en tus poemas. Cuídese a sí mismo, a sus seres queridos, no se deje atrapar por el virus. Vuelve al blog lo antes posible, tan pronto como termines tus asuntos y tu covid se haya ido.
    Te saludo cordialmente y te mando una sonrisa

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    1. En estos dos meses he tenido tiempo de solucionar mis problemas de visa y ya estoy preparando material para el blog.
      Por Chile ya no tenemos cuarentena pero aún así nos estamos cuidando.
      Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Realmente eres una amiga muy especial para mí. Voy a retomar la lectura de tu blog que es magnífico y lo disfruto.
      Un gran abrazo
      Manuel Angel

      Me gusta

    1. È una grande soddisfazione averti sul blog. Sono molto romantico e sono sempre innamorato dell’amore. Ecco dove vanno i miei versi. Ho letto molta poesia italiana perché la trovo molto profonda. Qui in Cile stiamo uscendo dalla quarantena, ma dobbiamo comunque stare attenti
      Un abbraccio
      Manuel Angel

      Le gusta a 1 persona

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